Eric Sparrow Jr.

Vice President - Executive Committee

Steven Eric Sparrow Jr is a multifaceted individual who wears many hats – he is a motivational speaker, poet, entrepreneur, and a beacon of resilience. As the Co-Owner of M-Power Fitness, a dynamic health and fitness center that emphasizes empowerment both mentally and physically, Sparrow is dedicated to helping individuals harness their inner strength to achieve their goals.

In addition to his role at M-Power Fitness, Sparrow is the Owner of Sparrow Security Services and Will Power F.A.C.T.S. He leverages his entrepreneurial spirit to make a positive impact in the community through these ventures. As a life coach and motivational speaker, Sparrow leads the Sparrowism Movement, a platform designed to uplift and inspire individuals to reach their full potential.

Sparrow’s talent as a poet has garnered recognition on a global scale. His poetry was esteemed by the Catholic Diocese of Richmond, leading to a special reading for Pope John Paul at World Youth Day in 2002. This experience marked a significant milestone in his journey as a creative and expressive individual.

Beyond his professional endeavors, Sparrow is deeply committed to community service and advocacy. He serves as the Vice President of the Virginia Diverse Chamber of Commerce, a state chamber that champions women and diverse minority small business owners through advocacy, education, training, and economic equity initiatives.

Despite facing tremendous adversity in his life, Sparrow’s resilience and determination shine through. In 2003, a life-altering car accident left him temporarily paralyzed and with a severed tongue. Overcoming the odds, he not only regained his ability to walk but defied expectations by mastering the art of clear and impactful speech. Today, his eloquence and purposeful words serve as a source of inspiration for all who have the privilege of hearing him speak.

Steven Eric Sparrow Jr’s story is a testament to the power of perseverance, resilience, and unwavering determination in the face of challenges. His journey serves as a shining example of how one individual’s strength and positivity can inspire and uplift countless others.