Yolanda Crenshaw

Ambassador Committee
Yolanda Crenshaw is a driven and passionate member of the Virginia Diverse Chamber of Commerce Ambassador Committee. A proud alumna of Howard University, she holds a degree in Electrical Engineering and furthered her education by obtaining a Masters of Information Systems degree from Stevens Institute of Technology.
Originally hailing from Boston, MA, Yolanda was raised in Baltimore, MD, where she developed a strong work ethic and a passion for both technology and the arts.
Yolanda’s professional journey began in the field of Information Technology, where she thrived in a career-driven environment. Despite her success in IT, she always harbored a deep love for the arts and beauty. Following her marriage and the experience of being a military spouse while raising two children, Yolanda made the bold decision to leave her 16-year Corporate America career behind and pursue her lifelong dreams.
Driven by her creative spirit and a desire to make a meaningful impact, Yolanda transitioned into real estate, where she discovered her talent for transforming dilapidated properties into stunning, showroom-worthy homes. While rehabilitation projects satisfied her creative aspirations, Yolanda envisioned a broader platform through which she could share her passion with a wider audience.
This vision led her to found BRIO ÉLAN, a curated brand that encompasses skincare, wellness tools, and educational resources, all designed to promote self-care and holistic well-being. Yolanda firmly believes that self-care is essential for reducing stress, uplifting moods, and improving overall health. Through BRIO ÉLAN, she aspires to empower individuals to embrace the transformative power of self-love and self-care.
Yolanda is deeply committed to nurturing new relationships, fostering entrepreneurship, and promoting social responsibility within her community and beyond.
Her dedication to these values makes her an invaluable member of the Virginia Diverse Chamber of Commerce Ambassador Committee, where she continues to inspire and support the development of a vibrant and inclusive business community.