Cherie Stewart Garland
Cherie attributes her love for children and learning to her parents, especially her mom, who transformed their Brooklyn apartment into a classroom where the five Stewart children learned the basics before they ever entered a school building. The Stewart home was filled with reading, music, and performing and it was those rich experiences that influenced her love for performing, play, and film writing. Cherie is known for her plays, The Christmas Present, Whose Man, and Journey Through Time, which have been performed on stages throughout Danville, Her 501c3 Peak Training Programs, offer opportunities for children to participate in artistic enrichment classes regardless of their ability to pay. She is a video blogger whose Facebook page “From the Parenting Chair” gives clips, snips, and tips about positive parenting.
A member of New Beginners Praise and Worship Center, Cherie is a licensed minister who loves to spread the “Good News” through various artistic means. Her greatest desire is to positively influence and impact the lives of youth on a national platform. Therefore, she continues to pass on the legacy of creating environments where learning and rich cultural experiences enhance and shape young lives. Cherie was named “Danville Women Rock: 2019 Educator of the Year!”
The scripture: “Let the children come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” {Matthew 19:14} guides her vision and purpose to see youth and families grow to their maximum potential.