Douglas Phason

Supplier Diversity Advocate

Douglas Phason President of Government Relations and Policies‍

‍Founder and President of the Phason Group.

One of Mr. Phason’s national clients was the Elite Service Disabled Veteran-owned Businesses (SDVOB) who engaged him to help the organization to coordinate complex and technical analyses on regulatory matters in connection to their mission and to elevate the work that they do for their chapters and members nationally. Mr. Phason also serves as the National Association of Minority Companies, Inc. (NAMCO) Vice President of Government Relations and External Affairs. Mr. Phason is a retiree the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) as its Supplier Diversity Officer, where he was responsible for encouraging 34 participating utilities companies to purchase 21.5 percent of their goods and services from diverse firms: 15 percent minority owned firms, 5 percent women owned firms and 1.5 percent disabled veteran owned firms, including LGBTs entrepreneurs. Also, in that role, Mr. Phason served as the Senior Advisor to the five CPUC Commissioners. In addition, Mr. Phason served as the CPUC Liaison for the California Utilities Diversity Council and the Vice-Chairman of Staff to the Utility Market Place Access Subcommittee of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC).

Prior to joining the CPUC in 2004, Mr. Phason was an Associate Director at AT&T for Regulatory Affairs. Mr. Phason retired from AT&T with 31 years of service.

Mr. Phason has been featured in award winning DyNAMC Leaders for a Changing World Magazine™ and is a 2014 NAMCO Top Influential Person Walk the Walk Diversity Awardee.