My account Login Username or email address * Password * Remember me Log in Lost your password? Register Business Name *Contact Person *Phone Number *Email address *Business Address *Website (if applicable) Preferred LocationPlease indicate your preferred event location from the following options *RoanokeSalemDanvilleRocky MountainHamptonSuffolkMidlothianN. RichmondMechanicsvilleCharlottesvilleStaffordLicense InformationDo you possess a valid business license? *YesNoHealth and Safety RequirementsAre you familiar with the health and safety regulations for food service establishments in Virginia? *Option 1Option 2Have you completed any food safety training or possess relevant certifications? *YesNoInsuranceDo you have general liability insurance coverage? *Option 1Option 2Food Truck InformationDescribe the type of food you offer and any specialty items *Do you require access to electrical power? *YesNoPlease provide the dimensions of your food truck/trailer. *Have you participated in any other food truck events? If yes, please provide details *Is there any additional information you would like to provide about your business or food truck? *Are you a Virginia Diverse Chamber of Commerce member? *YesOption 2Username *Password * Register