2024 Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony Venue By Design LLC

Grand Opening Celebration of Venue By Design LLC “A Day of Community Spirit and Inspiration”

On April 13th, 2024, the Virginia Diverse Chamber of Commerce hosted a grand opening celebration for Venue By Design LLC in the vibrant city of Virginia Beach, VA.

The event was a momentous occasion filled with excitement, community spirit, and a shared sense of unity among attendees.

As per Chamber tradition, the Ribbon-Cutting ceremony commenced, symbolizing the official opening of Venue By Design and marking the beginning of a new chapter in its journey. The cutting of the ribbon was met with cheers and applause, signifying the start of a prosperous and successful venture.

The festivities continued with a special moment when Ambassador Yolanda recognized the dedication and hard work of the owners of Venue By Design, Rosa Roshe and Ambassador Michelle Augustus. Their unwavering commitment to excellence and their vision for innovation were celebrated, inspiring all in attendance.

Adding an element of fun and surprise to the celebration, attendees eagerly took part in the Chamber’s traditional cash drop activity. This symbolic gesture fostered a sense of camaraderie and joy among the attendees as the Chamber blessed Venue By Design with a cash boost for prosperity and success, reflecting the spirit of support and collaboration within the community.

Following the celebrations, attendees had the opportunity to tour Venue By Design, engaging in a raffle with exciting prizes and savoring delicious refreshments. Laughter and conversations filled the air as guests enjoyed the festive atmosphere and celebrated this new addition to the community.

As the day drew to a close, Ambassador Yolanda expressed gratitude to all the supporters and attendees, highlighting the importance of community collaboration and unity in fostering a thriving business environment. The event showcased the power of coming together as a community to support and uplift local businesses, paving the way for a brighter future.

Congratulations to Venue By Design LLC on a successful grand opening, and here’s to many more milestones ahead!

May the spirit of community, dedication, and innovation continue to guide your journey towards success.